
The Challenge of Managing the Corporate Portfolio Proactively During a Slowdown

Leaders need to take an objective look at their corporate portfolio at the onset of an economic slowdown. The dynamics of slowing sales and falling profits put pressure on them to take […]


Why is my cost structure getting so large?

Companies, by the nature of the business, have a difficult time staying “lean.” As they grow in size, they become bloated, a condition that ultimately impairs revenue growth, profitability, and shareholder value. […]


Why is my business growth so elusive?

Eventually, companies reach the limit of growth – as growth engines run out of steam sooner or later. Markets slow down; economic downturns set in; industries mature. Competitors saturate every niche segment, […]


The Challenge of Creating Value by Actively Managing the Corporate Portfolio

Large corporations that operate in mature markets have a hard time growing at 5% to 7% per year. Many turn to annual re-organizations, on-going cost reductions, and divesting underperforming assets from their […]


The Challenge of Growth in the Ecosystem

Sustaining 7% to 10% profitable growth year after year for ten to fifteen years is a formidable challenge. Whether riding a favorable market, exploiting innovation, leveraging competitive advantage, expanding in new geographies, […]


The Challenge of Growing During an Economic Downturn

Growing through an economic downturn is understandably counterintuitive to incorporate into a line of reasoning and action. How long will it last? How large of an impact will it have on our […]


The Challenge of Cost Reduction

When business objectives call for 10% to 20% cost reduction, the actions executives need to take to reduce costs are strategic, not tactical. Some managers take a tentative approach by making small, […]


The Challenge of Profitable Growth

Producing 7% to 10% profitable growth year after year for ten to fifteen years is a formidable challenge.  Whether riding a favorable market, exploiting innovation, leveraging competitive advantage, expanding in new geographies, […]


Do you know why do cost reduction initiatives fail to meet targets?

When business objectives call for 10% to 20% cost reduction, the actions executives need to take to reduce costs are strategic, not tactical. Executives need to think beyond common cost strategies and […]


Do you know why defensive business strategy fails?

Defending against an attack requires exercising laser-like vision on the threat and getting to the true source of vulnerability at play. Management needs to focus its efforts on leveraging the relevant strategic […]