Economic Profit Shifts of U.S. Industries in 2020

Perspective | January 2021

The industry where you compete is the most significant determinant of company performance.


Economic Profit of U.S. Companies by Industry

($ million, 2020)

Note: Data is based on 7600 U.S. publicly traded companies.

Source: Bloomberg, Capital IQ, Compustat, Morning Star, Great Prairie Group analysis


Looking back, there were dramatic shifts in industry performance from 2019.


Economic Profit of U.S. Companies by Industry

($ million, 2019)


Favorable industry shifts lift company performance. Conversely, unfavorable shifts depress performance even for the best companies. It pays to understand these shifts and leverage or counter, whichever the case may be.


Arguably, industry shifts are visible in retrospect, so how do you see what’s coming?


Looking ahead, the ratio of Enterprise Value to Sales is a powerful predictor of profit in an industry. It reveals three stages of value.


Enterprise Value / Sales of U.S. Companies by Industry

(Index, 2020)


This view gives a more comprehensive picture of the industry situation and supports management in leading the company medium and long term.


Enterprise Value / Sales of U.S. Companies by Industry

(Index, 2020)


No matter the industry situation, there are decisive actions that company leaders can start taking to pave a better future for the business tomorrow.