Strategic Planning Excellence:
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Strategic Planning Excellence
The key to executing strategy
Strategic plans tie strategy to operations. A tight linkage is needed between strategic objectives and operating initiatives to guide the quarterly performance of the company. Operating initiatives are where execution takes place, resulting from thousands of decisions and actions by employees, everyday. For strategy to work, mid-level managers and their reports need to buy into the strategic plans and be able to operate and make tactical decisions within the confines of the strategic direction of the firm.
If you are considering strategic planning, you probably have a lot of questions: How do we align short-term operating initiatives to long-term strategy? Will the strategic plans get the strategy executed to where it needs to be? Who needs to be involved? What will be the financial impact of the strategic initiatives? Will mid-level managers be able to make tactical decisions within the confines of the strategy? How do we achieve company-wide buy-in?
What You Will Learn
- The mechanics of strategic planning
- The four components of the strategic planning process
- What it takes to make the strategic planning process work