Innovation Strategy

Getting winning products to market in record time

Innovation is the most significant driver of sustained value creation. Breakthrough innovation has the highest value-creating potential, given its simultaneous pursuit of higher value for buyers and increased growth.  Incremental innovation doesn’t produce as much value or maintain a competitive lead as long. However, it is usually worth pursuing to maintain market share.

Are you experiencing these issues?

Inscrutable markets difficult to quantify

Unpredictable market share

Nonbankable revenue projections

Segmentation that doesn't disclose underserved markets

Lack of essential customer input

Nondefensible differentiation

These issues underscore the need for an innovation strategy. The aspirations of innovative products or services are high, but innovation is risky. It’s not surprising that roughly 75% of innovation initiatives fail as firms meet overwhelming challenges along the way.

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Client Results


Market position achieved
by our client’s innovation


Average number of years to
cashflow positive for innovation


Total innovation investments
covered in our projects

Select Cases

Software Technology

Developed the opportunity assessment for a breakthrough software technology and established the leading market position.

Computer Microprocessor

Designed the R&D strategy for a PC manufacturer to co-develop a new chip in collaboration with a leading microchip manufacturer.

Automotive OEM

Innovated the business design of an automotive OEM by digitizing business processes for efficiency and speed.