Insights: Private

Five Practices to Get Your Strategic Planning Process Off to a Great Start

Strategic planning is an important tool of strategy execution that translates strategy into operations.  Operations are where execution takes place, resulting from thousands of decisions and actions by the employees. Linking strategy […]


Strategy Execution: How Is Performance Management Performing?

The main purpose of performance management is to ensure that the business strategy is executed as planned. Performance management seeks to guide and motivate company employees to make decisions and behave in […]


Why Corporate Finance is Foundational to Modern Strategy

A natural tension exists between strategic management and financial management of a company. Both aim at maximizing the value created by the firm but differ in their approach. Strategic management considers the […]


China Call Report

A quarterly review on China, including global affairs, economic developments, business growth, and bilateral advancements.   THE OPPORTUNITY FOR CUTTING EMISSIONS Photo: Flickr, Miha Pavlin Beijing Will Spend Billions To Reduce Air Pollution […]