Insights: Market Entry & Expansion

What Are the Foundations of Your Growth Strategy?

A small fraction of companies manages to sustain profitable growth over time. Many achieve temporary growth, eventually eroded by competitors, while others maintain revenue growth without seeing a corresponding increase in value. […]


New Business Model Design: Compete to Win

Business model design is a fundamental driver of shareholder value creation. It is the foundation for company performance upon which all actions follow. Its primacy cannot be overstated, yet most companies haven’t […]


How do you identify customers for products that don’t exist yet?

The problem of identifying potential customers for non-existing products is a significant challenge. Customer segmentation is a powerful tool that serves the purpose of identifying customers for specific products or services and […]


International Expansion through Strategic Alliances

Companies that need to widen their international presence to access new markets can use strategic alliances to get there. International partnerships not only enable firms to access global markets, but they also […]


Market Entry Through New Business Model Design

Entering a new market with new products that target new customers requires a new business model. It is a powerful strategic initiative that changes the rules of competition. It also represents a […]


When Strategic Alliances Make Sense

A strategic alliance is an important lever of corporate value creation. It leverages the capabilities of a partner company to take advantage of an attractive business opportunity that the firm would not […]